Hi, I’m Audrey!

So, my younger self thought I was destined for the corner office. The year 2022 hit me like a ton of bricks and burnout forced me to reevaluate my priorities. I realized that true success isn't about climbing a corporate ladder; it's about feeling fulfilled and energized in your work.

The best part of my career in the past decade has always been the opportunity to help others grow through training and mentorship. When I saw the formation of the Learning & Development team, I knew it was a sign. It was a chance to combine my creative skills and my passion for learning with my purpose.

Now, as an Instructional Designer, I'm living my dream. Every day, I get to create innovative learning experiences that empower others to reach their full potential. I’d say it’s rewarding, but that would be an understatement!

Education 🎓


Master of Science in Organizational Performance & Workplace Learning

Boise State University


Certified Instructional Designer & Certified Learning & Development Professional

Global Skill Development Council


Certificate in User Experience/User Interface (UX/UI) Design

University of Denver


Bachelor of Science in Management, Minors in Marketing & Human Resources

University of Phoenix

Toolbox 🔨

Here are some, but not all, of the tools I can use proficiently. Technology has always excited me so I continuously learn new tech that comes out to stay up to date on the latest and greatest out there.

Fun Things

Hiking in Boulder, CO.

My nephew & my pup

Whitewater tubing with my step-son

My husband on our trip to Cabo

The Breckenridge, CO. troll, Isak